We took some rest for a while and then headed for our destination. It is also a land of gods, goddesses, and saints. Himachal is a travelers paradiselofty snow peaks, deep gorges, lush green valleys, fast flowing rivers, enchanting mountain lakes, flower-bedded meadows, and beautiful temples. The most spectacular and beautiful landscape can be found there.

If you like walking, Shimla is a great destination. I would like to share my traveling experience. The following text is for questions number 13 to 15. to describe the illnesses that can be cured to explain the ingredients of the productD. to inform the process of making Cold BreakerB. Whats the writers purpose to write the text above?A. Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine?A. The following text is for questions number 11 and 12.ġ1. all department managers and the directorC. The meeting will discuss the customers complaints. the meeting will be conducted by costumersĩ. the topic of the meeting is very importantD. all of the managers must bring their own documentsC. the meeting will focus on the customers documentB. Why do all of the managers have to come to the meeting?A. Please come on time and dont forget to bring documents needed.Ĩ. Since the topic is very important, presence is a must. There will be a meeting this afternoon, February 7th, 2012 at 01.00 pm in the meeting room. The following text is for questions number 8 to 10. The VISItoRS aRe PRohIBIteD to SWIM aLoNg thIS aReaħ. Read the following text to answer question number 7.DUe to MaNY ShaRP CoRaLS, you should confirm to Mathew before coming to the party

Mathew must work hard to pass the examinationD.

Tony and Louise Gates are Mathews parentsC. the party will be held in Orchardlton CottageB. by Monday March 13th, Proud MumLouise GatesOrchardlton Cottage, Main Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute.ĥ. Saturday March 25th, 2012 at 7.30 pmThe Castle Rooms, Uddingston Mathew has gained a BA(Hons Graphic Design from Glasgow School of Art) In honour of our Sons hard work and effort! Please come and celebrate with us at aSurprise Graduation Party The following text is for questions number 5 and 6. When your name is called as the best student please step forwardfor high five! The following text is for questions number 3 and 4. When will they go to the swimming pool?A. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.9. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.7. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.3. Isilah identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di LJK.Ģ. make an appointment and prepare everythingB. What should they do before going to swimming pool?A. After having lunch and taking a nap, prepare yourself to go. The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.ĭear Tara,Remember, weve had an appointment to go to a swimming pool after school.